About me
A professor at Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw, member of algorithms group. I work on algorithms and graph theory (parameterized algorithms, approximation algorithms, planar graphs, graph coloring). See my papers.
Currently I serve as the dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics.
Very Short CV
2005: PhD in Computer Science in 2005 (advisor: Krzysztof Diks); 2005-2006 Post-doc (MPI Saarbrucken); 2011: Habilitation; 2020: Professor title. See full CV (modified 09/2024).
- Steering committee member of IPEC, WG
- PC Member for SOSA 2024, SWAT 2024.
- YouTube channel of our Algorithmics course (in Polish)!
- SC member of PACE.
- PC chair of WG 2021, PACE 2020.
- PC member (selected): MFCS (2023, 2021, 2020, 2011), WG 2020, EUROCOMB 2019, IPEC 2019, ESA 2018
- Invited speaker (selected): Bordeaux Graph Workshop 2019, Bonn 2016, ADFOCS'13
- ESA 2017 best paper award for our paper on k-OPT TSP!
- Our book Parameterized algorithms is out! See Springer, Amazon, or the free online version
Contact Me
Office 2140 (see on a map)
email: kowalik@mimuw.edu.pl
phone: +48 22 5544214
WydziaĆ Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki, Uniwersytet WarszawskiBanacha 2, 02-097 Warszawa, POLAND
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