In the academic year 2014/15, Seminar IMPANGA meets twice per month for a one day session on Friday, with two 60 min. talks:

I. 10:30-11:30
II. 13:00-14:00
(unless stated otherwise).

A standard venue of the seminar is   Room 403   at IM PAN, Warszawa, Śniadeckich 8.

The seminar is directed by  

Weronika Buczyńska
,   Jarek Buczyński  and  Piotr Pragacz (chair).

See you at  IMPANGA,


Past schedule is available here

October 3
impanga 298
1. Conference reports

2. Piotr Pragacz (IMPAN): Introduction to Macdonald functions
October 17
impanga 299

1. Norbert Pintye Complexity and singular behaviour in face of the Castelnuovo--Mumford regularity

2. Grzegorz Kapustka (IMPAN) Hyperkahler fourfolds and Abelian varieties.

November 7
impanga 300

1. Adrian Langer (IMPAN): Bogomolov’s inequality for Higgs sheaves in positive characteristic

2. Karol Palka (IMPAN): The Coolidge-Nagata conjecture

November 28
impanga 301

1. Michał Kapustka (UJ): Mirror symmetry for determinantal Calabi--Yau threefolds

2. Jarosław Buczyński (MIMUW): Secant varieties, rank and cactus rank

December 12
impanga 302

1. Joachim Jelisiejew (MIMUW): On the Gorenstein Hilbert scheme of points

2. Paweł Borówka (UJ): Non-simple principally polarised abelian varieties

December 19
impanga 303

1. Christophe Eyral (IMPAN): Introduction to Lê numbers

2. Sławomir Cynk (UJ): Differential operators of Calabi-Yau type

January 9
impanga 304

1. Luis Eduardo Solá Conde (MIMUW) On Fano manifolds with nef tangent bundle

2. Sara Angela Filippini (Zurich) Refined curve counting and wall-crossing

January 23
impanga 305

1. Stephen Coughlan (Hannover) Elliptic Gorenstein projection

2. Saurabh Trivedi (IMPAN) Flat currents on subanalytic pseudo manifolds

February 20
impanga 306

1. Adrien Dubouloz (Dijon) Exotic affine spheres

2. Takashi Kishimoto (Saitama) Cylinders in del Pezzo fibrations

March 6
impanga 307

1. Lionel Darondeau (Strasbourg) Jet techniques for hyperbolicity problems

2. Lionel Darondeau Torus action and Segre classes in the context of the Green-Griffiths conjecture

April 8-12
impanga 308-312
Workshop on projective geometry and syzygies in Warsaw
April 12-18
impanga 313-323
IMPANGA15 conference in Będlewo
May 15
impanga 324

1. Elena Martinengo (Hannover) Mori Dream stacks

2. Andreas Hochenegger (Cologne) Maps between Mori Dream spaces

May 22
impanga 325

1. Giovani Mongardi (Milan) Automorphisms of holomorphic symplectic manifolds, part I

2. Giovani Mongardi Part II

Last modified on: 11-May-15