Twisted Blanchfield Pairings and Twisted Signatures II: Relation to Casson-Gordon Invariants

Jul 1, 2022·
Maciej Borodzik
Anthony Conway
Wojciech Politarczyk
· 0 min read
This paper studies twisted signature invariants and twisted linking forms, with a view towards obstructions to knot concordance. Given a knot $K$ and a representation $\rho$ of the knot group, we define a twisted signature function $\sigma_{K,\rho} \colon S^{1} \to \mathbb{Z}$ . This invariant satisfies many of the same algebraic properties as the classical Levine-Tristram signature $\sigma_K$ . When the representation is abelian, $\sigma_{K,\rho}$ recovers $\sigma_{K}$ , while for appropriate metabelian representations, $\sigma_{K,\rho}$ is closely related to the Casson-Gordon invariants. Additionally, we prove satellite formulas for $\sigma_{K,\rho}$ and for twisted Blanchfield forms.