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Autobóz 2017
(Auto camp 2017)

Autobóz is a work camp on automata, logic and games theory. It will take place in Gorce Mountains in Poland, from 15th to 23th July 2017.

Our ,,Hotel''

We plan to stay in Hotel "Pod Jaworzyną". The expected cost will be around 200 EUR, almost All-inclusive ;).

Room Hotel Garden

How to get there?

World → Kraków Balice (Krakow Balice) Airport
Kraków (Krakow) Airport → Kraków Główny (Krakow main) railway station (by train)
Kraków Główny (Krakow main) railway station → (Krakow bus station) Kraków Dworzec Autobusowy (walk 5 min)
(Krakow bus station) Kraków Dworzec Autobusowy → Koninki near Poręba Wielka (by bus)

List of people and their preferences

Data update takes around 5 min.
Name and Surname Email Scope of interestOther remarks, questions
Wojtek Czerwińskiwczerwin@mimuw.edu.plautomata, logic, infinite state systems, separability problems
Mahsa Shirmohammadimahsa.shirmohammadi@gmail.comstochastic games, quantitative systems, synchronizing automata
Sylvain Schmitzschmitz@lsv.frwqos, separation problems, data nets
Michaël Cadilhacmichael@cadilhac.namelogic, automata, circuits, algebra, verification, transducers
Michał Skrzypczakmskrzypczak@mimuw.edu.plinfinite words and trees, automata, topology, unambiguity
Nathanaël Fijalkownathanael.fijalkow@gmail.comlogic in cs
Joanna Ochremiakjoanna.ochremiak@gmail.comlogic in cs
Lorenzo Clementeclementelorenzo@gmail.comautomata, separation problems, timed atoms
Piotrek Hofmanpiotrek.hofman (at) gmail.comautomata Allergy to fishes.
Guillermo A. Perezgperezme@ulb.ac.beweighted automata and {stochastic, quantitative, partial-observation} games
Dorota Celińskadcelinska@wne.uw.edu.plGraph theory and applications, hyperbolic geometry
Eryk Kopczyńskierykk@mimuw.edu.plcomputation with atoms, finite model theory
Hosein Hasanbeiggrockious@icloud.comcerny conjectureVegetarian diet please
Bastien Maubertbastien.maubert@gmail.comgames, imperfect information, epistemic and strategic logics, automata
Michael Blondinblondin@in.tum.deinfinite state systems, verification, logic, automata, complexityVegan food if possible, vegetarian otherwise please.
Bastien Maubertbastien.maubert@gmail.comgames, imperfect information, epistemic and strategic logics, automata
Dmitry Chistikovdch@mpi-sws.orgautomata, grammars, infinite-state systems, complexity
Filippo Cavallarifilcavallari88@gmail.comAutomata, descriptive set theory
Thomas Zeumethomas.zeume@tu-dortmund.delogic in cs
Matthias Niewerthmatthias.niewerth@tu-dortmund.deautomata, logic, databases
Vincent Penellepenelle@mimuw.edu.plinfinite graphs, automata, trees, logic
Sebastian SiebertzSiebertz@mimuw.edu.plGraphs, if anyone is interestedI will attend from Monday 17 to Friday 21 at noon.
Filip MazowieckiF.Mazowiecki@warwick.ac.ukFrom 17 till the end