I do research in computational social choice and network science. Currently, I am a postdoc at the University of Oxford.
04/2024 –I started my next postdoc at the University of Oxford supervised by Edith Elkind and Paul Goldberg. -
12/2023 –I received the award of the Prime Minister of Poland for an outstanding PhD dissertation. -
10/2023 –I started a postdoc at LAMSADE in Paris where I work with Jérôme Lang and Dominik Peters. -
05/2023 –My PhD thesis received an honorable mention in the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society PhD thesis contest. -
05/2023 –I helped in the organization of the 5th Games, Agents, and Incentives Workshop. - more...
03/2023 –Our paper on axiomatic characterization of PageRank has been accepted to Artificial Intelligence journal. -
08/2022 –I moved to Pennsylvania and started my postdoc position at Penn State University in Hadi Hosseini's research group. -
07/2022 –I have defended my PhD thesis about axiomatization of centrality measures and it was awarded an honorary distinction. -
03/2022 –I started working in the PRAGMA project as part of Piotr Faliszewski's lab at AGH University. -
12/2019 –I have co-organized the ML in PL '19 Conference. -
12/2018 –I have co-organized the PL in ML '18 Conference and co-founded the ML in PL Association. -
03/2018 –I won the Data Science Masters contest for the best master thesis in machine learning and data science in Poland for the year 2017. -
10/2017 –I started my PhD studies at the MIM faculty of the University of Warsaw. -
07/2017 –I started working in the Centrality Measures: from Theory to Applications project under the supervision of Oskar Skibski.
List of Publications
C. Dong, M. Bullinger, T. Wąs, L. Birnbaum, E. Elkind , Selecting Interlacing Committees, InProceedings of the 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-25 ),(to appear) . -
P. Faliszewski, J. Mertlová, P. Nunn, S. Szufa, T. Wąs , Distances Between Top-Truncated Elections of Different Sizes, InProceedings of the 39th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-25 ),(to appear) . -
H. Hosseini, J. Kavner, T. Wąs, L. Xia , Distribution of Chores with Information Asymmetry, InProceedings of the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-24 ),3485–3492 . [pdf] -
P. Lederer, D. Peters, T. Wąs , The Squared Kemeny Rule for Averaging Rankings, InProceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC-24 ),755 . [pdf, arxiv] -
N. Boehmer, P. Faliszewski, Ł. Janeczko, A. Kaczmarczyk, G. Lisowski, G. Pierczyński, S. Rey, D. Stolicki, S. Szufa, T. Wąs , Guide to Numerical Experiments on Elections in Computational Social Choice, InProceedings of the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-24 ),7962–7970 . [pdf, arxiv] -
H. Hosseini, S. Narang, T. Wąs , Fair Distribution of Delivery Orders, InProceedings of the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-24 ),2825–2833 . [pdf, arxiv] -
P. Faliszewski, A. Kaczmarczyk, K. Sornat, S. Szufa, T. Wąs , Diversity, Agreement, and Polarization in Elections, InProceedings of the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23 ), pp.2684–2692 . [pdf, arxiv] -
H. Hosseini, A. Mammadov, T. Wąs , Fairly Allocating Goods and (Terrible) Chores, InProceedings of the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23 ), pp.2738–2746 . [pdf, arxiv] -
T. Wąs, O. Skibski , Axiomatic Characterization of PageRank,Artificial Intelligence 318 (AIJ ),103900 , 2023. [arxiv, journal] -
N. Boehmer, J.-Y. Cai, P. Faliszewski, A. Z. Fan, Ł. Janeczko, A. Kaczmarczyk, T. Wąs , Properties of Position Matrices and Their Elections, InProceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23 ), pp.5507–5014 . [pdf, arxiv] -
N. Boehmer, P. Faliszewski, R. Niedermeier, S. Szufa, T. Wąs , Understanding Distance Measures Among Elections, InProceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-22 ), pp.102–108 . [pdf, arxiv] -
N. Kucharczuk, T. Wąs, O. Skibski , PageRank for Edges: Axiomatic Characterization, InProceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22 ), pp.5108–5115 . [pdf, arxiv] -
T. Wąs, O. Skibski , An Axiom System for Feedback Centralities, InProceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21 ), pp.443–449 . [pdf, arxiv] -
T. Wąs, M. Waniek, T. Rahwan, T. Michalak , The Manipulability of Centrality Measures—An Axiomatic Approach, InProceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-20 ), pp.1467–1475 . [pdf] -
T. Wąs, T. Rahwan, O. Skibski , Random Walk Decay Centrality, InProceedings of the 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19 ), pp.2197–2204 . [pdf] -
T. Wąs, O. Skibski , Axiomatization of the PageRank Centrality, InProceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18 ), pp.3898–3904 . [pdf]
An improved and extended version of this work can be found here. -
T. Wąs, O. Skibski , An Axiomatization of the Eigenvector and Katz Centralities, InProceedings of the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18 ), pp.1258–1265 . [pdf]
My PhD Thesis (2022).
My Google Scholar profile.