Warsaw lectures and seminars related to Algebraic geometry
Autumn term 2021/22 lectures
- Algebraic methods in geometry and topology
by Adrian Langer
- Commutative algebra
by Joachim Jelisiejew and Jarosław Wiśniewski
- Complex manifolds
by Andrzej Weber
- Moduli spaces of vector bundles
by Adrian Langer
2021/22 seminars
- Research seminar at MIMUW
by Joachim Jelisiejew and Adrian Langer
- IMPANGA, research seminar at IMPAN by Piotr Achinger, Jarosław Buczyński, and Michał Kapustka, with Piotr Pragacz as Honorary Chairman
- Foundations of Algebraic Geometry, seminar by Maria Donten-Bury and Joachim Jelisiejew
- Topology and geometry of manifolds (TiGR), seminar by Jarosław Buczyński and Krzysztof Ziemiański
Spring term 2021/22 lectures
- Advanced tools from algebraic geometry by Joachim Jelisiejew
- Algebraic geometry by Adrian Langer and Feliks Rączka
- Introduction to modular forms by Masha Vlasenko
- Lie groups and Lie algebras by Agnieszka Bojanowska-Jackowska
- Model Theory by Daniel Hoffmann
- Number theory by Mariusz Skałba
- Representations of path algebras of quivers by Magdalena Zielenkiewicz and Agnieszka Bodzenta-Skibińska