module Nominal.Formula.Operators where

import qualified Data.MultiMap as MM
import Data.Set
import Nominal.Atoms.Signature (Relation(..))
import Nominal.Formula.Definition
import Nominal.Formula.Constructors
import Nominal.Variable (Variable, isConstant)
import Prelude hiding (and, foldl, foldr, map, not, null, or)

-- Simplification of constraints with the same variables

isConstraint :: Formula -> Bool
isConstraint (Formula _ (Constraint _ _ _)) = True
isConstraint _ = False

sameVarsInConstraints :: FormulaStructure -> FormulaStructure -> Bool
sameVarsInConstraints (Constraint _ x1 x2) (Constraint _ y1 y2) = (x1, x2) == (y1, y2)
sameVarsInConstraints _ _ = False

checkSize :: (Set Formula -> FormulaStructure) -> Formula -> Set Formula -> Formula
checkSize creator defVal fs
    | null fs = defVal
    | size fs == 1 = findMin fs
    | size fs > 1 = Formula False (creator fs)

checkConstraints :: (Set Formula -> FormulaStructure) -> Formula
    -> (Maybe Relation -> Maybe Relation -> Maybe Relation) -> Set Formula -> Formula
checkConstraints creator defVal relFun fs =
    if member nDefVal cs
        then nDefVal
        else checkSize creator defVal (union cs fs2)
    where nDefVal = not defVal
          (fs1, fs2) = partition isConstraint fs
          relLists = MM.assocs $ foldr (\(Constraint r x1 x2) -> MM.insert (x1,x2) (Just r)) MM.empty (map formula fs1)
          rels = fmap (fmap $ foldr1 relFun) relLists
          cs = fromList $ fmap (\((x1,x2),rel) -> maybe nDefVal (\r -> (constraint r x1 x2)) rel) rels

-- And

-- merging constraints
andRelations :: Maybe Relation -> Maybe Relation -> Maybe Relation
andRelations r1 r2
    | r1 == r2 = r1
    | r1 > r2 = andRelations r2 r1
andRelations (Just LessThan)      (Just LessEquals)    = Just LessThan
andRelations (Just LessThan)      (Just NotEquals)     = Just LessThan
andRelations (Just LessEquals)    (Just NotEquals)     = Just LessThan
andRelations (Just LessEquals)    (Just Equals)        = Just Equals
andRelations (Just Equals)        (Just GreaterEquals) = Just Equals
andRelations (Just LessEquals)    (Just GreaterEquals) = Just Equals
andRelations (Just NotEquals)     (Just GreaterEquals) = Just GreaterThan
andRelations (Just NotEquals)     (Just GreaterThan)   = Just GreaterThan
andRelations (Just GreaterEquals) (Just GreaterThan)   = Just GreaterThan
andRelations _                    _                    = Nothing

-- create and formula
createAndSet :: Set Formula -> Set Formula
createAndSet = delete true . unions . elems . map fromAnd
    where fromAnd (Formula _ (And fs)) = fs
          fromAnd f = singleton f

andFromSet :: Set Formula -> Formula
andFromSet fs = if member false fs
                  then false
                  else checkConstraints And true andRelations (createAndSet fs)

-- | Creates a logical conjunction of two given formulas, e.g.
-- > f /\ false == false
-- > f /\ true  == f
-- > f /\ g     == g /\ f
infixr 4 /\
(/\) :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula
Formula _ F /\ _ = false
_ /\ Formula _ F = false
Formula _ T /\ f = f
f /\ Formula _ T = f
f1 /\ f2 = and [f1,f2]

-- | Creates a logical conjunction of a given list of formulas.
and :: [Formula] -> Formula
and = andFromSet . fromList

simplifiedAnd :: [Formula] -> Formula
simplifiedAnd = Formula True . And . fromList

-- Or

-- merging constraints
orRelations :: Maybe Relation -> Maybe Relation -> Maybe Relation
orRelations r1 r2
    | r1 == r2 = r1
    | r1 > r2 = orRelations r2 r1
orRelations (Just LessThan)      (Just LessEquals)    = Just LessEquals
orRelations (Just LessThan)      (Just Equals)        = Just LessEquals
orRelations (Just LessEquals)    (Just Equals)        = Just LessEquals
orRelations (Just LessThan)      (Just NotEquals)     = Just NotEquals
orRelations (Just LessThan)      (Just GreaterThan)   = Just NotEquals
orRelations (Just NotEquals)     (Just GreaterThan)   = Just NotEquals
orRelations (Just Equals)        (Just GreaterEquals) = Just GreaterEquals
orRelations (Just Equals)        (Just GreaterThan)   = Just GreaterEquals
orRelations (Just GreaterEquals) (Just GreaterThan)   = Just GreaterEquals
orRelations _                    _                    = Nothing

-- create or formula
createOrSet :: Set Formula -> Set Formula
createOrSet = delete false . unions . elems . map fromOr
    where fromOr (Formula _ (Or fs)) = fs
          fromOr f = singleton f

orFromSet :: Set Formula -> Formula
orFromSet fs = if member true fs
                  then true
                  else checkConstraints Or false orRelations (createOrSet fs)

-- | Creates a logical disjunction of two given formulas, e.g.
-- > f \/ true  == true
-- > f \/ false == f
-- > f \/ g     == g \/ f
infixr 3 \/
(\/) :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula
Formula _ T \/ _ = true
_ \/ Formula _ T = true
Formula _ F \/ f = f
f \/ Formula _ F = f
f1 \/ f2 = or [f1,f2]

-- | Creates a logical disjunction of a given list of formulas.
or :: [Formula] -> Formula
or = orFromSet . fromList

simplifiedOr :: [Formula] -> Formula
simplifiedOr = Formula True . Or . fromList

-- Not

createNot :: FormulaStructure -> FormulaStructure
createNot T = F
createNot F = T
createNot (Constraint LessThan x1 x2) = Constraint GreaterEquals x1 x2
createNot (Constraint LessEquals x1 x2) = Constraint GreaterThan x1 x2
createNot (Constraint Equals x1 x2) = Constraint NotEquals x1 x2
createNot (Constraint NotEquals x1 x2) = Constraint Equals x1 x2
createNot (Constraint GreaterThan x1 x2) = Constraint LessEquals x1 x2
createNot (Constraint GreaterEquals x1 x2) = Constraint LessThan x1 x2
createNot (And fs) = Or $ map not fs
createNot (Or fs) = And $ map not fs
createNot (Not (Formula _ f)) = f

-- | Creates a negation of a given formula, e.g.
-- > not true    == false
-- > not false   == true
-- > not (not f) == f
not :: Formula -> Formula
not (Formula s f) = Formula s (createNot f)

-- Imply

-- | Creates an implication of given formulas, e.g.
-- > false ==> f    == true
-- > f     ==> true == true
-- > f     ==> g    == g <== f
infix 2 ==>
(==>) :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula
f1 ==> f2 = not f1 \/ f2

-- | Creates an implication of given formulas, e.g.
-- > f    <== false == true
-- > true <== f     == true
-- > f    <== g     == g ==> f
infix 2 <==
(<==) :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula
f1 <== f2 = f1 \/ not f2

-- | Creates a implication of given formulas, equivalent to '==>'.
implies :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula
implies = (==>)

-- Equivalent

-- | Creates a formula representing "if and only if" relation between given formulas, e.g.
-- > f <==> f     == true
-- > f <==> not f == false
-- > f <==> g     == (f /\ g \/ not f /\ not g)
infix 2 <==>
(<==>) :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula
f1 <==> f2 = (f1 /\ f2) \/ (not f1 /\ not f2)

-- | Equivalent to '<==>'.
iff :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula
iff = (<==>)

-- Variables functions

foldFormulaVariables :: (Variable -> a -> a) -> a -> Formula -> a
foldFormulaVariables fun acc (Formula _ f) = doFold fun acc f
    where doFold _ acc T = acc
          doFold _ acc F = acc
          doFold fun acc (Constraint _ x1 x2) = fun x2 $ fun x1 acc
          doFold fun acc (And fs) = foldl (foldFormulaVariables fun) acc fs
          doFold fun acc (Or fs) = foldl (foldFormulaVariables fun) acc fs
          doFold fun acc (Not f) = foldFormulaVariables fun acc f

freeVariables :: Formula -> Set Variable
freeVariables = foldFormulaVariables (\x -> if isConstant x then id else insert x) empty

mapFormulaVariables :: (Variable -> Variable) -> Formula -> Formula
mapFormulaVariables fun (Formula _ f) = doMap fun f
    where doMap _ T = true
          doMap _ F = false
          doMap fun (Constraint r x1 x2) = constraint r (fun x1) (fun x2)
          doMap fun (And fs) = andFromSet $ map (mapFormulaVariables fun) fs
          doMap fun (Or fs) = orFromSet $ map (mapFormulaVariables fun) fs
          doMap fun (Not f) = not $ mapFormulaVariables fun f

mapFormula :: (Formula -> Formula) -> Formula -> Formula
mapFormula fun f = doMap fun (formula f)
    where doMap _ T = f
          doMap _ F = f
          doMap fun (Constraint r x1 x2) = f
          doMap fun (And fs) = andFromSet $ map fun fs
          doMap fun (Or fs) = orFromSet $ map fun fs
          doMap fun (Not f) = not $ fun f

replaceFormulaVariable :: Variable -> Variable -> Formula -> Formula
replaceFormulaVariable oldVar newVar = mapFormulaVariables (\var -> if oldVar == var then newVar else var)

getEquationsFromFormula :: Formula -> Set (Variable, Variable)
getEquationsFromFormula f = go (formula f)
    where go (Constraint Equals x1 x2) = singleton (x1, x2)
          go (And fs) = unions $ elems $ map (go . formula) fs
          go _ = empty