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Explicit coercion operators

An vector expression may be explicitly coerced to a vector of a given length by applying the ``bin'' function. The expression

causes the vector ``val'' to be either shortened to length n, or padded with zeros to length n. If ``val'' is an integer, is is first coerced to a 32 bit vector, and then truncated or padded. Thus, for example

        bin(3,17) = [0,0,1]
        bin(4,17) = [1,0,0,1]

        [0,1,1] + bin(4,17)
is equal to

        + [1,0,0,1]
        = [1,1,0,0]

Note that coercing a negative integer to longer than 32 bits will not produce the intuitively correct result, since ``bin'' treats its argument as an unsigned number. The ``sbin'' operator is equivalent to ``bin'', except that it sign extends rather than zero extending. Thus, for example ``sbin(64,-1)'' is a string of 64 ones.
