prof. dr hab. Piotr Rybka

Ta strona ma swój polski odpowiednik

ul. Banacha 2
02-097 Warszawa, Poland
room: 4290
phone +48 22 55 44 486
fax +48 22 55 44 300
e-mail rybka (at) mimuw . edu . pl

Scientific interests

Differential Equations (singular parabolic equations, Cahn-Hilliard problems, gradient flows, Łojasiewicz inequality), Calculus of Variations (linear growth functionals, BV space), Free Boundary Problems, Singular Curvature Flow, Phase Transitions (crystal growth, Stefan-type problem), Mathematical models of continua and biology.

Expired in 2023 NCN grant HARMONIA

Last five papers (the full list of publications is here)

  1. Danielle Hilhorst, Sabrina Roscani, Piotr Rybka, Convergence of solutions of a one-phase Stefan problem with Neumann   boundary data to a self-similar profile, Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. 31 56, (2024)
  2. Yoshikazu Giga, Michał Łasica, Piotr Rybka, The heat equation with the dynamic boundary condition as a singular limit of problems degenerating at the boundary, Asymptotic Analysis, 135 (2023), 463-508
  3. Piotr Rybka, Glen Wheeler, Convergence of solutions to a convective Cahn-Hilliard type equation of the sixth order in case of small deposition rates, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 55 vol. 5, (2023), 4193-5861
  4. Tomasz Lewinski, Piotr Rybka, Anna Zatorska-Goldstein, The Free Material Design problem for stationary heat equation on low dimensional structures , Nonlinearity 36 (2023), 4501-4521
  5. Tokinaga Namba, Piotr Rybka, Shoichi Sato, Special solutions to the space fractional diffusion problem, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 25 (2022), 2139-2465

Here is my cv

Lecture notes:

my own, The BV space in variational and evolution problems, The University of Tokyo, Nov. 1 -- Nov. 10, 2016. The log of changes.

by my guest, MICHAL KOWALCZYK, NONLINEAR THEORY OF LOCALIZED PATTERNS: AN INTRODUCTION, delivered at the Faculty of Mathematics, the University of Warsaw, January 2016


Conference archives

Piotr Rybka Last modified: 11/01/2024 19:42:04