Mini-workshop "T-varieties"

part of VAT


November 22, 10:00 - November 23, 15:00


Scientific info

This will be an informal meeting to discuss various approaches to T-varieties (algebraic varieties with a torus action). In particular, we plan to compare the approach of polyhedral divisors (nice survey) with the approach by analysing the fixed points and moment polytopes and equivariant K-theory (like in this paper).


Everyone who is a friend to toric varieties is welcome to participate. For additional info contact Robert Śmiech (homepage).



Please bear in mind that due to informal character of the meeting, there is no schedule and listeners are encouraged to take active role in the talks.


Last minute change below:

On Wednesday (November 21), after the arrival of the train from Berlin, arriving participants have table reserved at SHUK, located at Grójecka 107. Social event at pub Lolek located in Pole Mokotowskie park will take place on Thursday.