
L. Clemente,
S. Lasota,
Determinizability of one-clock timed automata

L. Clemente,
S. Lasota,
Timed games and deterministic separability

Hilbert method for transducer equivalence
A. Boiret, R. Piórkowski,
August 2021
FORMATS 2021, online
Timed Games and Deterministic Separability
September 2020
CONCUR 2020, online
Determinizability of one-clock timed automata
July 2020
ICALP 2020, online
Timed games and deterministic separability
July 2020
INFINITY 2020 workshop, online
New geometrical approach to pumping in 2-dimensional VASS
March 2020
Automata Theory Seminar (online), University of Warsaw
Timed games and deterministic separability
September 2019
Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata 2019, Warsaw
Pumping in 2-VASS – geometry of runs
August 2019
MFCS 2019, Aachen
New Pumping Technique for 2-dimensional VASS
June 2019
DIMAP seminar, University of Warwick
WQO dichotomy conjecture: decidability in Petri nets with homogeneous data
June 2019
Automata Theory Seminar, University of Warsaw
New pumping technique for 2-dimensional VASS
September 2018
Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata 2018, Berlin
Decidability in data Petri nets — a conjecture
May 2018
Forum Informatyki Teoretycznej 2018, Cracow
Petri nets with data – WQO Dichotomy Conjecture
April 2018
FoSSaCS 2018, Thessaloniki
WQO dichotomy for 3-graphs
November 2017
Automata Theory Seminar, University of Warsaw
WQO dichotomy conjecture — proof of a special case
2019/20, winter term
Foundations of mathematics
2019/20, winter term
Object-oriented Programming and Design
2018/19, summer term
Languages, automata and computations
2018/19, summer term
Introduction to Computer Science
2017/18, summer term
Languages, automata and computations
2017/18, summer term
Introduction to Computer Science
I am a PhD student at MIM UW under supervision of prof. S. Lasota.
I am interested in automata theory, especially in VASS and register automata.
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