:point_right: Here are some problems related to Sobolev spaces and weak solutions.

Problem 1. Consider the space of doubly infinite, square summable sequences of real numbers, with the norm

and its subspace of sequences such that

Prove directly that a bounded sequence in has a subsequence which converges in . (Hint: you might use Cantor’s diagonal method.)

What does this have to do with Rellich–Kondrashov’s compactness theorem?

In Problems 2 and 3 we assume that is an eigenfunction of the Dirichlet laplacian, i.e. a weak solution of for some .

Problem 2 (Caccioppoli inequality). Let and be two concentric balls contained in a domain . Prove that for some constant which depends on and we have

Hint: Use the definition of a weak solution with a test function

where is such that on , on and .

Problem 3 (a bit more involved). Consider , where

is a standard mollifier. Prove that for each compact set , each and each multiindex with there is a number such that

is a Cauchy sequence in . Use this fact, the completeness of , and the Sobolev imbedding, to conclude that all eigefunctions of the Laplacian in a bounded domain are smooth in the classical sense in the interior of .

Hint: What equation and in which domain does satisfy? Do its derivatives satisfy the same equation? In which sense (weak or classical)? Once you answer these questions, try to use the result of Problem 2.