Warsaw University
February - June 2024


Tutorial Group 2

There are 14 tutorials. These will be held in Room 3240, Tuesdays 10.15 - 11.45, on the following dates:
February: 27th
March: 5th, 12th, 19th
April: 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
May: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
June: 4th, 11th

Course Notes

Here are the course notes containing lectures, tutorial examples (with answers removed) and labs, which I used 2013 - 2022. I intend to use the same tutorial examples. Click here for the lecture, tutorial and lab notes.

Tutorial Exercises

Here I intend to put up week by week the exercises for the tutorial. After the tutorial, the pdf file (containing the exercises) will be replaced by a pdf which also has some short answers.

Past Exam Papers

Grading Policy

Please attempt the tutorial questions before the tutorial. At the tutorial I'll ask you to indicate (on the attendance sheet) which questions you think you can solve and I'll randomly select someone with a solution to present it on the board.

The tutorial grade will be based on the preparation and quality of solutions presented.

(Last updated: 5th June 2024)