Damian Niwinski homepage

Damian Niwiński

Professor in the Institute of Informatics.

Member of the Automata Theory Group

Office 4680

Postal address
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics University of Warsaw
Banacha 2, 02-097 Warsaw, Poland

E-mail niwinski at mimuw.edu.pl

Fields of interests
logic, automata, fixed point calculi, information theory, complexity, games

Google scholar

Available papers and talks

Past PhD Students
Filip Murlak, Eryk Kopczyński, Michal Strojnowski, Szczepan Hummel, Marcin Przybyłko.

Editorial work Fundamenta Informaticae

PhD Open Lectures

Seminar - Automata Theory

Informations for students /Informacje dla Studentów
