winter term 2019/20
Lectures:Fridays, 1215-1345, room 3160
Tutorials:Fridays, 1415-1545, room 3160
Documents and links
24.01.20Notes for the fourteenth lecture, fourteenth tutorial
17.01.20Notes for the thirteenth lecture, thirteenth tutorial
08.01.20Publication of sixth homework, notes for the twelfth lecture, twelfth tutorial
18.12.19Notes for the eleventh lecture, eleventh tutorial
13.12.19Publication of fifth homework, notes for the tenth lecture, tenth tutorial
04.12.19Notes for the ninth lecture, ninth tutorial
29.11.19Eigth tutorial
22.11.19Publication of fourth homework, seventh tutorial, and notes for the seventh lecture
10.11.19Sixth tutorial, notes for the sixth and the eight lecture, and selected solutions
08.11.19Publication of third homework, fifth tutorial, notes for the fifth lecture
25.10.19Publication of second homework, fourth tutorial, notes for the fourth lecture
19.10.19Third tutorials, notes for the third lecture
11.10.19Second tutorials, notes for the second lecture, link to videos of lectures
04.10.19Publication of first homework, first tutorial, notes for the first lecture