Knot theory seminar at University of Warsaw

Maciej Borodzik and Wojciech Politarczyk

Hybrid Seminar 2021/22

Meetings are Fridays, 2:15pm CET
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 846 2302 8036

Password: the last name of the first named author of this fundamental paper on knot theory

10.06.2022 Maciej Markiewicz in person
03.06.2022 Maciej Borodzik strongly invertible knots in person
27.05.2022 Richmond geometry seminar (please register in advance) online
20.05.2022 Katarzyna Krawiec in person
13.05.2022 Mieszko Baszczak Peg problem in person
29.04.2022 Jakub Zarzycki in person
22.04.2022 no seminar in person
08.04.2022 Tomasz Pełka Multiplicity conjecture in person
01.04.2022 Ramazan Yozgyur in person
25.03.2022 Jakub Paliga Coends in person
18.03.2022 Maciej Borodzik Lattice homology in person
11.03.2022 Wojciech Duliński Introduction to Soergel bimodules. II. in person
04.03.2022 Wojciech Duliński Introduction to Soergel bimodules in person
28.01.2022 Piotr Kucharski online or hybrid
21.01.2022 Piotr Suwara (IMPAN) purely offline
14.01.2022 Katarzyna Krawiec purely offline
10.12.2021 Joshua Wang (Harvard) Khovanov homology, split links, and band surgeries purely online
03.12.2021 Fan Ye (Cambridge) A large surgery for instanton Floer homology purely online
26.11.2021 Maria Marchwicka (AMU, Poznan) purely offline
19.11.2021 Ramazan Yozgyur hybrid
12.11.2021 no seminar. holiday
05.11.2021 Maciej Markiewicz canceled
29.10.2021 Jakub Paliga purely offline
22.10.2021 Mieszko Baszczak Sumy Rademachera--Dedekinda w topologii purely offline
15.10.2021 Maciej Borodzik Non-commutative Casson--Gordon invariants purely offline

Online seminar 2020/21

Meetings are Fridays, 12:15pm CET on zoom
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 846 2302 8036

Password: the last name of the first named author of this fundamental paper on knot theory

18.06.2021 Melissa Zhang 4pm
11.06.2021 Boyu Zhang Several detection results for Khovanov homology on links 3pm CET!
28.06.2021 Cristina Palmer--Anghel The Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants for 3-manifolds as state sums of Lagrangian intersections
21.05.2021 Tamasz Laszlo Delta invariant of curves and beyond
14.05.2021 Guillem Cazassus Hopf algebras, equivariant Lagrangian Floer homology, and cornered instanton theory
07.05.2021 Antonio Alfieri Symmetric knots and Floer homologies 8pm CET!
30.04.2021 Dorota Jankowska Cohen--Jones--Segal construction II
23.04.2021 Dorota Jankowska Cohen--Jones--Segal construction
16.04.2021 Maciej Markiewicz Exotic diffeomorphisms of rational homology balls times S^1
09.04.2021 Makar Veramchuk Seventh chapter of Lescop's book
19.03.2021 Chirantan Mukherjee Third chapter of Lescop's book
12.03.2021 Radosław Jędrych Second chapter of Lescop's book
05.03.2021 Radosław Jędrych Second chapter of Lescop's book
18.12.2020 Raphael Zentner Toroidal integer homology 3-spheres have irreducible SU(2)-representations
11.12.2020 Eva Fluckiger-Bayer Signatures of knots with given Alexander polynomial Start at 2pm
04.12.2020 Maciej Borodzik Heegaard Floer homology and (non)rational (non)cuspidal curves
27.11.2020 Dorota Jankowska Khovanov homotopy type. Group actions.
20.11.2020 Dorota Jankowska Khovanov homotopy type video pdf (*)
13.11.2020 Jakub Zarzycki Blanchfield forms and Hodge numbers
06.11.2020 Maciej Markiewicz
30.10.2020 Jakub Paliga Pre-cubical sets and configuration spaces
23.10.2020 Katarzyna Krawiec Heegaard decompositions of 3-manifolds
16.10.2020 Maciej Borodzik A very quick trip through knot theory
(*) The notes of Dorota's talk are partially based on the paper of Robert Lipshitz and Sucharit Sarkar `A Khovanov homotopy type'

If you want to give a talk, contact Maciej Borodzik (that is, me).

Online seminar Spring 2020

Next meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 471 209 4118

Password: WarsawKnot (write these two words in a reverse order)

21.04.2020 Wojciech Politarczyk (Warsaw) Equivariant Khovanov homotopy type
28.04.2020 Piotr Suwara (MIT)
05.05.2020 Marithania Silvero
12.05.2020 Anthony Conway (MPIM)
19.05.2020 Matthew Stoffregen (MIT) Involutive Floer homology of integer surgeries
26.05.2020 Maciej Markiewicz (Warsaw)
02.06.2020 Józef Przytycki (GWU)
10.06.2020 (Wednesday!) Andras Stipsicz (Renyi)
16.06.2020 Peter Feller (Zurich)
If you want to give a talk, contact Maciej Borodzik (that is, me).

Year 2019/20

04.10.2019 Maciej Borodzik Warsaw Notions of quasipositivity
11.10.2019 Maciej Borodzik Warsaw Guide through Khovanov homology
18.10.2019 Maciej Markiewicz Warsaw Introduction to contact geometry
25.10.2019 Viktoria Foldvari Budapest Legendrian non-simple knots
08.11.2019 Maria Marchwicka Warsaw A criterion for periodicity of knots
15.11.2019 Agnieszka Senatorska Warsaw Alexander polynomial of two-bridge links
22.11.2019 Wojciech Politarczyk Warsaw Various notions of genus
29.11.2019 Oskar Slowik Warsaw Equivariant homology
06.12.2019 Min Hoon Kim Pohang Freely slice boundary links
13.12.2019 Ramazan Ozgur Warszawa sl(3)-homology
20.12.2019 Magda Wiertel Warszawa
08.01.2019 Piotr Suwara MIT
17.01.2019 Marianna Wyszyńska Warszawa
24.01.2019 刘贝贝 Max Planck Institut

Year 2017/18

06.10.2017 Stefan Friedl Regensburg TBA
13.10.2017 Wojciech Politarczyk Warsaw/Poznan TBA
18.10.2017 Krzysztof Putyra Zurich
20.10.2017 Maciej Markiewicz Warszawa On cyclic branched covers of knots
03.11.2017 Marithania Silvero Warsaw
10.11.2017 Enrico Toffoli Regensburg
17.11.2017 Maciej Borodzik Warsaw Blanchfield pairings of knots
24.11.2017 Magdalena Wiertel Warsaw Racks, quandles, knots
01.12.2017 Monika Szczepanowska Warsaw
08.12.2017 Jae Choon Cha Pohang
15.12.2017 Peter Feller Bern
05.01.2018 Piotr Suwara MIT
12.01.2018 Maciej Borodzik Warsaw quasipositive links
23.02.2018 Antonio Alfieri Budapest
02.03.2018 Katarzyna Cytlak, Natalia Jankowska MIM Wielomian Jonesa
09.03.2018 Maciej Borodzik Wewnętrznie zawęźlone grafy
16.03.2018 Tomasz Cąkała Geometria konaktowa
23.03.2018 Jakub Koncki Doubly slice knots
06.04.2018 Konrad Jankowski
13.04.2018 (TBC) Juliusz Nowak Homologie Khovanova
20.04.2018 Marcin Mazurek MIM
27.04.2018 Lukas Lewark Bern
11.05.2018 Piotr Pakosz MIM Bordered Floer homologies
18.05.2018 Filip Rupniewski
25.05.2018 Krystyna Gajczyk
01.06.2018 (TBC) Przemysław Grabowski, Adam Król MIM skończone grupy ortogonalne
08.06.2018 Tomasz Mańdziuk

Year 2014/15

10.03.2014 Paweł Traczyk Warsaw Dynnikow diagrams
10.10.2014 Maciej Borodzik Warsaw TBA
10.17.2014 Piotr Suwara Warsaw Minimal generating sets of directed Reidemeister moves
10.24.2014 Supredee Dangskul Edinburgh TBA
10.31.2014 It is not decided if we have a seminar
11.07.2014 Marta Szumanska Knot energies
11.14.2014 Chris Palmer Edinburgh/Warsaw
11.21.2014 Wojciech PolitarczykPoznan
11.28.2014 Maciej Borodzik Warsaw Quasipositive braids and C-links
12.05.2014 Agnieszka SkórkowskaWarsaw Knot Floer homologies via grid diagrams
12.12.2014 Dimitar Ninevsky Warsaw Quandles and racks
01.16.2015 Piotr Sułkowski Warsaw (FUW)
06.03.2015 No seminar
13.03.2015 Maciej Borodzik Embedded Morse theory
20.03.2015 Agnieszka Skórkowska On the slice-ribbon conjecture
27.03.2015 Bostjan Gavrosek TBA
10.04.2015 ADK Contact geometry
13.04.2015 (Monday!) Jozsef Bodnar TBA
14.04.2015 (Tuesday) Marco Golla TBA Joint with Algebraic Topology seminar
17.04.2015 ADK Contact geometry
24.04.2015 Supredee Dangskul
08.05.2015 Kenan Ince Generalized unknotting numbers
15.05.2015 ADK
22.05.2015 Marzena Deć On virtual knots
29.05.2015 Maciej Starostka Seiberg-Witten equations and stable homotopy theory.
02.06.2015 (Tuesday!) Ciprian Manolescu Joint with Algebraic Topology seminar.
12.06.2015 No seminar