Most recent project: Algebraic varieties related to combinatorial structures

Polish National Science Centre project SONATA 2017/26/D/ST1/00755.
3 years: April 2018 - June 2021, extended until April 2023

Maria Donten-Bury (MIMUW) - principal investigator
Joachim Jelisiejew (IMPAN, MIMUW)
Maksymilian Grab (postdoc, MIMUW), July 2019 - June 2021

  • Cox rings, in particular of resolutions of quotient singularities,
  • computing GIT quotients for torus actions,
  • varieties related to matrices and matrix groups, e.g. matrix Schubert varieties, Kazhdan-Lusztig varieties,
  • varieties with torus actions (of low complexity), their polyhedral divisors and relation to deformation theory,
  • tropicalization with additional structure.


Previous projects

Cox rings of resolutions of quotient singularities
NCN 2012/07/N/ST1/03202 PRELUDIUM, 18 months: July 2013 - December 2014

Constructing algebraic varieties via finite group actions
MNiSW N N201 611240, 18 months: April 2011 - October 2012

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