Jagnięcy Szczyt


R. Latała, M. Strzelecka, Operator l_p to l_q norms of random matrices with iid entries arXiv:2401.09814

J. Prochno, M. Strzelecka, Moderate deviation principles and mod-Gaussian convergence for lacunary trigonometric sums arXiv:2312.09137


R. Latała, M. Strzelecka, Chevet-type inequalities for subexponential Weibull variables and estimates for norms of random matrices, Electron. J. Probab. 29 (2024), no. 97, 1-19 arXiv:2309.04214 DOI

A. Adamczak, J. Prochno, M. Strzelecka, M. Strzelecki, Norms of structured random matrices, Math. Ann. 388 (2024), no. 4, 3463-3527 arXiv:2112.14413 DOI

R. Latała, M. Strzelecka, Two-sided estimates for order statistics of log-concave random vectors, Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis 2017-2019, Vol. II, 65-94, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2266, Springer, Cham [2020] arXiv:1901.01587 DOI

M. Strzelecka, Estimates of norms of log-concave random matrices with dependent entries, Electron. J. Probab. 24 (2019), no. 107, 1-15 arXiv:1902.01150 DOI

R. Latała, M. Strzelecka, Comparison of weak and strong moments for vectors with independent coordinates, Mathematika 64(1) (2018), 211-229 arXiv:1612.02407 DOI

M. Strzelecka, M. Strzelecki, T. Tkocz, On the convex infimum convolution inequality with optimal cost function, ALEA Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 14 (2017), 903-915 arXiv:1702.07321 DOI

M. Strzelecka, Isoperimetric problem for exponential measure on the plane with l_1-metric, Positivity 21(4) (2017), 1425-1438 arXiv:1606.03342 DOI

R. Latała, M. Strzelecka, Weak and strong moments of l_r-norms of log-concave vectors, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144 (2016), 3597-3608 arXiv:1501.01649 DOI