Home Page
of Leszek Kołodziejczyk
I work at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Warsaw.
Contact information:
Leszek Kołodziejczyk
Institute of Mathematics, University of Warsaw
Banacha 2
02-097 Warszawa
phone: (+48) 022 55 44 518
e-mail: lak at mimuw dot edu dot pl
Research interests:
Mathematical logic, mainly the model theory and proof theory of axiomatic theories of arithmetic,
ranging from bounded arithmetic to moderately strong subsystems of second-order arithmetic. I have also done some
propositional proof complexity, some finite model theory (long ago!), and have a general interest
in connections between logic and the theory of computation.
I am one of the co-organizers of a seminar on these and other topics in logic.
You can find a list here, with most of the items available for download.
Teaching (in Polish):
Materiały związane z zajęciami, które prowadzę bądź prowadziłem, można czasem znaleźć tutaj.