Æwiczenia 2019-2020:
Parent Directory
Students may find something interesting in https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~krych/ekonomia/ek18/

Introduction to integrals
Solutions to the first set of virus problems
Solutions to the second set of virus problems
A story about the cross-sections of a cube
Solutions to the third set of virus problems
Open and closed sets
April 7th quiz - solutions
April 21th colloqium - solutions
Solutions to the sixth set of virus problems
Solutions to the seventh set of virus problems
May 7-th online
Solutions of the two egzam problems and three new problems
Integration few problems and reminders
More integrals and theorems including Cavalieri theorem
The figure illustrating Cavalieri theorem from an old textbook for high schools
colloqium May 26-th - solutions
Solutions of June 2-nd problems with new problems