
Scholarships for MSc students in Algebraic Geometry in Warsaw

Open call. Deadline 16 September 2024.

Up to two scholarships are offered within the Sonata Bis grant Geometric structures behind tensors supported by the NCN (National Science Center, Poland) which is conducted at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw with Joachim Jelisiejew as the Principal Investigator.

Details and conditions:

Application details

The fellow must respect the National Science Centre (NCN) rules of funding, including those listed on page 7 of this document. In particular, no salary from NCN is allowed at the same time as his/her scholarship in the project (page 7, subsection 2.1.3, item (b)). Also this document is relevant to the recruitment process.

Applications should be submitted at the latest on September 15, 2024 via e-mail to Joachim Jelisiejew, j.jelisiejew@uw.edu.pl, with the subject line "Application for MSc scholarship". Related inquiries should also be sent to the same address. An application should contain:
  1. a short CV containing basic personal data, including name(s), surname, date of birth, e-mail and information about achievements, awards, distinctions etc. as well as other relevant information,
  2. information about candidate's studies, such as the date of commencement, department(s), the list of relevant lectures attended by the candidate together with grades received,
  3. a brief motivation letter with a description of candidate's mathematical interests and reasons for interest in the call and a GDFR consent for processing personal data for the purposes of selecting the fellowship holder,
  4. all the above documents should be submitted in Polish or in English.
Additionally, it is not obligatory but highly recommended that the candidates procure a recommendation letter from a scientist (e.g., B.Sc. advisor). The letter should be sent by the recommending person directly to Joachim Jelisiejew j.jelisiejew@uw.edu.pl. The application will be evaluated by the committee consisting of Jarosław Buczyński, Francesco Galuppi, and Joachim Jelisiejew (chair). The committee reserves the right to interview selected candidates. The decisions will be sent before 1 October 2024.