Students and postdocs (updated )
Stefano Canino, postdoc at MIM UW, Dec 2024 — Dec 2025.
Cosimo Flavi, postdoc at MIM UW, Dec 2024 — Dec 2025.
Yuze Luan, postdoc at IM PAN, Oct 2024 — Oct 2026.
Piotr Oszer, Phd student. Expected graduation: 2026.
Articles prepared under my supervision:
Hilbert-Burch matrices and explicit torus-stable families of finite subschemes of A^2
Jakub Jagiełła, MSc student. Expected graduation: summer 2025.
Articles prepared under my supervision:
Classification and degenerations of small minimal border rank tensors via modules
Weronika Obcowska, MSc student. Expected graduation: summer 2025.
Korneliusz Obarski, BSc student. Expected graduation: summer 2025.
Paweł Pielasa, MISMAP mentee, academic year 22/23 -- current. BSc student, expected graduation: summer 2025.
Kamila Lipska, MISMAP mentee, academic year 23/24 -- current.
Bartosz Szachniewicz, BSc student. BSc thesis completed in Feb 2025.
Thesis: Example of a Gorenstein local ring representing a negative spike in Hilbert scheme.
Michał Jesionowski, MSc student. MSc thesis defended in Jul 2024.
Thesis: Motives of toric varieties.
Karolina Tkaczuk, MSc student, MSc thesis defenced in Jun 2023.
Thesis: Supersingular elliptic curves and their applications in cryptography.
Karol Janowicz, MSc student, MSc thesis defenced in Sep 2022.
Thesis: Variation of Białynicki-Birula decomposition.
Maciej Wojtala, BSc student and "Szkoła Orłów" mentee.
BSc thesis Finite degree self-dual modules defended in July 2022.
Articles prepared under my supervision:
Irreversibility of structure tensors of modules
Iarrobino's decomposition for self-dual modules
Tomasz Mańdziuk, PhD student joint with Jarosław Buczyński.
Graduated in July 2022, currently postdoc.
Thesis: Limits of Saturated Ideals of Points with Applications to Secant Varieties.
Joint article:
Limits of saturated ideals
Robert Szafarczyk, "Szkoła Orłów" mentee.
Article prepared under my supervision, awarded II prize and an
honorary mention at Marcinkiewicz’s and "Step in the future" competitions 2022:
New elementary components of the Gorenstein locus of the Hilbert scheme of points
Hanieh Keneshlou, postdoc, joint with Jarosław Buczyński.
Joint article:
On construction of k-regular maps to Grassmannians via algebras of socle dimension two
Michał Szachniewicz, MSc student.
MSc thesis Non-reducedness of the Hilbert schemes of points defended in July 2021. Thesis awarded
Marcinkiewicz ’s and "Step in the future" prizes for best Polish student paper 2021.
Articles prepared under my supervision:
Non-reducedness of the Hilbert schemes of few points
Łukasz Sienkiewicz, PhD student joint with Jarosław Wiśniewski.
Graduated with distinction in December 2021, currently in industry.
Thesis: Generalized Białynicki-Birula Decompositions
Two joint articles:
Białynicki-Birula decomposition for reductive groups in positive characteristic
Białynicki-Birula decomposition for reductive groups.