Vakil's seminar Publications
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Joachim Jelisiejew

(to email, avoid OBSTRUCTION):

Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics
and Mechanics, University of Warsaw
Room 1310, Banacha 2, Warsaw


My work is in the intersection of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, frequently with a view towards applications. I am happy to use tools from infty-cats, stack theory to representation theory to combinatorics and computational tools such as M2. I work in particular on deformations of zero-dimensional objects, Bialynicki-Birula decompositions, Hilbert and Quot schemes, applications to tensors and secants varieties, applications to motivic homotopy theory etc.
See my papers or my poster for details. If you want to discuss, just send me an email!


  • Oberwolfach-Będlewo: a graduate seminar on tensor, moduli spaces, finite algebras, combinatorics etc. will take place 2-7 November 2025. Seminar means that Mateusz Michałek and I will give tons of lectures on recent stuff. Everyone is welcome to register! Further details will follow on the official webpage.
  • Math PhD Open courses will be offered in the spring 2025.
    • Michel Brion gave a course on algebraic group actions.
    • Joseph Landsberg is coming on the 1 June and will give a course on tensors.
  • I put a list of open problems in zero-dimensional deformations on arXiv. Enjoy! Also thanks to Tony Iarrobino for the initial push.