
New Challenges in Simulation of Low-power Wireless Devices

This scientific project aims to develop models that would enable computer simulation of modern low-power wireless micro-devices that are one of the key technologies in the so-called Internet of Things. Such devices are embedded into surrounding physical objects—things—and integrate hardware components used for processing, radio communication, and sensing or actuating the objects, so as to allow them to autonomously make our lives easier. To this end, however, the micro-devices must be coordinated, which is the task of software that implements existing and emerging dedicated network protocols. In this light, simulation is a crucial mechanism that enables benchmarking the developed protocols, even in networks of thousands of devices, potentially with minimal initial investments in real hardware, which significantly reduces the overall costs of research on Internet of Things solutions. The motivation behind the project is the fact that there are currently no suitable models for the dominant modern hardware architectures adopted in low-power wireless micro-devices.


The following publications are results of the project:

  1. Matraszek, M., Banaszek, M., Ciszewski, W., and Iwanicki, K.: “FrankenTrace: Low-Cost, Cycle-Level, Widely Applicable Program Execution Tracing for ARM Cortex-M SoC,” In Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things Week 2023 Workshops, San Antonio, TX, USA, May 2023, DOI: 10.1145/3576914.3587521. (Received the Best Presentation Award of CPS-IoTBench 2023.)
  2. Paszkowska, A. and Iwanicki, K.: “Modeling and proving dynamic behaviors of a routing protocol: A tutorial,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 17, Issue 12, SAGE, December 2021, 42 pages, DOI: 10.1177/15501477211058667.
  3. Banaszek, M., Dubiel, W., Lysiak, J., Debski, M., Kisiel, M., Lazarczyk, D., Glogowska, E., Gumienny, P., Siluszyk, C., Ciolkosz, P., Paszkowska, A., Rub, I., Matraszek, M., Acedanski, S., Horban, P., and Iwanicki, K.: “1KT: A Low-Cost 1000-Node Low-Power Wireless IoT Testbed,” In MSWiM 2021: Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Alicante, Spain, November 2021, pp. 109–113, DOI: 10.1145/3479239.3485708.


The following people are or have been involved in the project:

  • Mateusz Banaszek
  • Adam Czajkowski
  • Wojciech Ciszewski
  • Bartlomiej Dalak
  • Daniel Gutowski
  • Konrad Iwanicki (Principal Investigator)
  • Artur Jamro
  • Piotr Karpinski
  • Wojciech Kordalski
  • Maciej Matraszek
  • Kamil Mykitiuk
  • Artur Pragacz
  • Marek Puzyna
  • Michalina Sidor
  • Michal Siwinski
  • Michal Smolarek


We are recruiting. Check out our recent presentation from the Distributed Systems seminar.


The project is supported by the National Science Centre (NCN) in Poland within the OPUS programme under grant no. 2019/33/B/ST6/00448.


The easiest way to contact us is by e-mailing the principal investigator of the project. Alternatively, you can try to reach him by phone. Finally, if you have scheduled a face-to-face appointment, you can find the directions below.

  • Email
  • Phone

    (+48) 22 55 44 428