Sobolev spaces, wykład monograficzny, semestr letni 2013
The lectures are on Fridays, room nr 5840, from 8:30 to 10:00; the exercise course, run by Anna Zatorska-Goldstein, is right after the lecture, in room nr 5070 (10:15-11:45).
40% of the final mark comes from the exercise course (homework, active participation in the course etc), the other 60% come from the final exam (oral and/or written)A syllabus, proposed reading material and the above grading rules are given here.
Lecture notes
Lebesgue spaces
Absolutely continuous functions
Distribution theory
Sobolev spaces (part 1)
Sobolev spaces (part 2)
Fractional Sobolev spaces
Traces of Sobolev functions
Sobolev capacity
Exercises from the last week's meeting
Topics for the oral exam
Time slots for the oral exam