q | quit |
arrows,PgUp,PgDn | rotate the picture |
Home | hold Home while rotating to rotate slower |
| CUBE only: |
z,x | zoom in/out |
6 | export the picture to SVG |
8 | export the picture to SVG; only the skeleton |
| CELL only: |
u,i,o,p | change which vertices are shown (by vertex types) |
t | select all vertices shown |
z,x | move all the selected vertices towards/outwards the center (this means zoom in/out if all vertices are selected) |
v | verify the current structure (see the comment below) |
s | show only incorrect edges (red and green ones) |
r | animate the flattening algorithm (used to triangulate the rectangular tetrahedron) |
c | run/animate the flattening algorithm for the
dodecahedron triangulation; save the result to
dodeca.dat |
b | use the result from dodeca.dat file instead of running
the algorithm |
d | stop the display (makes the flattening algorithm faster) |
. | generate the cube.dat file |