Poland in Mathematical Olympiads

On this page, we put the information on the math olympiads Polish high school students take part in, as well as the problem sets.

Poland participates in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), the Austrian-Polish Mathematics Competition (APMC) and the Baltic Team Contest - "Baltic-Way" (B-W). Polish Team for the IMO consists of the six best scored students in the final round of the national Mathematical Olympiad (see below). The information on the IMO and the problems may be found in many places through the net, see for example

In the APMC six students with the rank 7-12 in the national Mathematical Olympiad (see below) take part. The competition lasts three days. The first two days have an individual character (the first six problems in the below files), the third day is a team competition (the last three problems in the files). For more information see the book: Marcin E. Kuczma, 144 Problems of The Austrian-Polish Mathematics Competition 1978-1993, The Academic Distribution Center, Freeland, Maryland, 1994.

The B-W contest takes place in fall (unlike IMO and APMC, which are held in summer). For this reason only those students who are still in high school after the summer holidays may take part. So the Polish team for the B-W consists of the five students (with the rank below 12 in the national Mathematical Olympiad - see below) who are not going to be undergraduate students the next year. The competition is a one day team contest - the teams get 20 problems having 4 hours for solving them.

 Mathematical Olympiad in Poland

The Mathematical Olympiad in Poland is organized for the Polish high school students and consists of three rounds. The first round lasts four months (from September to December). It relies on solving 12 problems at home and sending the solutions to the appropriate local Olympiad Committee. It's usually enough to solve 6-7 problems correctly to get to the second round. The second round is similar to the IMO - two days and three problems to solve each day (during 5 hours). Students having solved 3-4 problems correctly get to the third (final) round. The final round has the same pattern as the second one. All comments, questions, suggestions, etc. are welcome. Please contact us at chel@mimuw.edu.pl.

Miscellaneous information

If it's still not enough for you, more problems and some interesting articles in mathematics you will find at:

The copies of this page are available at: The server http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/home/olimp/ has additionally the postscript files and the server http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~chel/Olimp/olympiads.html has the PDF files of all the problem sets available on our home page.

It was created a new home page (in Polish language) with problems of the Mathematical Olympiad in Poland. It additionally contains the files with solutions, but in Polish. The adress is http://www.impan.gov.pl/~olimp/. Anyway, enjoy!

This page is maintained by Krzysztof Chelminski and Waldemar Pompe.

Last updated on November 27, 2000.