Topologia Obliczeniowa
Andrzej Weber i Krzysztof Ziemiański
[1] M. Grandis - Directed homotopy theory, I. The fundamental category
[2] L. Fajstrup, M. Raussen, E. Goubault, E. Haucourt - Components of Fundamental Category
[3] M. Raussen, Invariants of Directed Spaces
[4] U. Fahrenberg Directed Homology
M. Raussen K. Ziemiański
- Homology of spaces of directed paths on Euclidean
cubical complexes
Persistent homology
[1] Afra Zomorodian, Gunnar Carlsson: Computing Persistent Homology
[2] Gunnar Carlsson et al: Barcode for shapes
[3] Cohen-Steiner, Edelsbrunner, Harer: Stability of Persistence Diagrams
[4] Chazal et al:
Proximity of Persistence Modules and their Diagrams
[5] Gunnar Carlsson,
Afra Zomorodian: The Theory of Multidimensional Persistence
[5'] Gunnar Carlsson1, Gurjeet Singh1, Afra Zomorodian: Computing Multidimensional Persistence
Matthew Kahle: Random Geometric Complexes
Michel Brion: Representation of quivers
Osoby referujące
Jarosław Błasiok
Karol Strzałkowski
Piotr Suwara
Magdalena Zielenkiewicz
Damian Sawicki
Mateusz Łajszczak
Adam Michalik