Joerg Schuermann
Notes by P. Pragacz and Andrzej Weber
Lectures on Characteristic Classes of Constructible Functions
The following lectures were delivered at the Mini-School
''Characteristic classes of singular varieties'' in Banach
Center, 22-28
April 2002, by Joerg Schuermann. These lectures discuss the
calculus of characteristic classes associated with constructible
functions on possibly singular varieties, and focus on the
specialization properties. The point of view of characteristic
classes of Lagrangian cycles is emphasized. A Verdier-type
Riemann-Roch theorem is discussed.
Contents: 1. History. 2. Calculus of constructible
functions. 3. Stratified Morse theory for constructible functions
and Lagrangian cycles. 4. Characteristic classes of Lagrangian
cycles. 5. Verdier-Riemann-Roch theorem and Milnor classes. 6.
Appendix: Two letters of J. Schuermann.
These notes were prepared by Piotr Pragacz
and Andrzej Weber. Their contribution is - apart of some aspects
of proofs, mentioned in the text - of purely redactional nature.