- [2021-10-01] This webpage launched.
- [2021-10-11] Tutorials 1,2 added. Consecutive ones will be added gradually.
- [2021-11-14] The first series of star assignments added. Deadline 2021-12-19.
- [2021-11-20] We swtich to online mode - moodle course added.
- [2021-11-29] Deadline for the first series of star assignments moved to 2021-12-22. Please submit your solutions via moodle.
- [2021-12-05] Lecture notes updated.
- [2021-11-29] Deadline for the first series of star assignments once more moved, to 2021-12-31.
- [2022-01-11] The first series of star assignments graded! Contact me in case of doubts.
- [2022-01-11] The second series of star assignments added. Deadline 2022-01-30.
- [2022-01-11] Exam articles added. Proposed exam dates: 2022-01-31.
- [2022-01-23] The last lecture will be online.
Tentative plan:
- automata on infite words [ tutorials problems ]
- determinisation of automata on infinite words [ tutorials problems ]
- infinite duration games and Church's synthesis problem [ tutorials problems ]
- memoryless determinacy of parity games [ tutorials problems ]
- the star height problem and distance automata [ tutorials problems ]
- automata and monadic second-order logic [ tutorials problems ]
- vector addition systems [ lecture whitoboard ] [ tutorials whiteboard ] [ tutorials problems ]
- lossy counter machines [ lecture whitoboard ] [ tutorials whiteboard ] [ tutorials problems ]
- timed automata [ lecture whitoboard ] [ tutorials whiteboard ] [ tutorials problems ]
- learning regular languages [ lecture whitoboard ] [ tutorials whiteboard ] [ tutorials problems ]
- transducers [ lecture whitoboard ]
- lecture cancelled [ tutorials problems ]
- weighted automata
- polynomial automata [ lecture whitoboard ]
Star assignments (zadania z gwiazdką):
Each assignment is worth 1 point, to be split equally over all students who correctly solve it. The total number of points gained by a student is added up to her/his exam grade, thus yielding the final grade.- the first series (deadline 2021-12-31)
- the second series (deadline 2022-01-30)
- grading scores
An oral exam, based on the course material and/or on an article read by a student. The students will be able to choose an article out of the following set of articles:- C. Calude, S. Jain, B. Khoussainov, W. Li, F. Stephan, Deciding parity games in quasipolynomial time (plus Sect. 3 in An automata toolbox)
- Mikolaj Bojanczyk, Star Height via Games
- C. Rackoff, The Covering and Boundedness Problems for Vector Addition Systems
- S. Lasota, Improved Ackermannian lower bound for the Petri nets reachability problem
- A. Finkel, F. Schnoebelen, Well-structured transition systems everywhere!
- S. Schmitz, The Parametric Complexity of Lossy Counter Machines
- S. Lasota, I. Walukiewicz, Alternating timed automata
- J. Fearnley, M. Jurdziński, Reachability in two-clock timed automata is PSPACE-complete
- M. Benedikt, T. Duff, A. Sharad, J. Worrell, Polynomial automata: zeroness and applications (plus Sect. 11 in An automata toolbox)
Most of the material is to be found in the book draft by M. Bojańczyk and W.Czerwiński, An automata toolbox. The remaining topic are treaded in these draft lecture notes.