Yoshikazu Giga, Michał Łasica, Piotr Rybka,
The heat equation with the dynamic boundary condition as a singular limit of
problems degenerating at the boundary, Asymptotic Analysis, 135
(2023), 463-508,
Tokinaga Namba, Piotr Rybka, Shoichi Sato,
Special solutions to the space fractional diffusion problem,
(version of record)
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 25 (2022), 2139-2465
Tokinaga Namba, Piotr Rybka, Vaughan Voller,
Some comments on using fractional derivative operators in modeling
non-local diffusion processes, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 381 (2021), 113040,
Michał Kowalczyk, Angela Pistoia, Piotr Rybka, Giusi Vaira,
Free boundary problems arising in the theory of maximal
solutions of equations with exponential nonlinearities,
S?inaire Laurent Schwartz -- EDP et applications (2017-2018), Exp. No. 10, 12 p.,
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Atsushi Nakayasu, Piotr Rybka,
Integrability of the derivative of solutions to a singular one-dimensional parabolic problem,
Topological Methods of Nonlinear Analysis, 52 (2018), 239-257,
Adam Kubica, Piotr Rybka, Katarzyna Ryszewska,
Weak solutions of fractional differential equations in a non cylindrical domain,
Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications,
36 (2017), 154-182,
Adam Kubica, Piotr Rybka,
Fine singularity analysis of solutions to the Laplace equation: Berg's effect,
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 39, (2016), 1069-1075,
Y. Giga, P.Górka, P.Rybka,
Bent rectangles as viscosity solutions over a circle,
Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications, 125, (2015), 518-549.
Adam Kubica, Piotr Rybka,
Fine singularity analysis of solutions to the Laplace equation,
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 38 , (2015), 1734-1745, doi: 10.1002/mma.3182
Piotr B. Mucha, Piotr Rybka,
Well-posedness of sudden directional diffusion equations,
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Y. Giga, P.Górka, P.Rybka, Evolution of regular bent rectangles by
the driven crystalline curvature flow in the plane with a non-uniform forcing
Advances in Differential Equations 18,
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M. Korzec, P. Rybka,
On a higher order convective convective Cahn-Hilliard type
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M. Korzec, P. Nayar, P. Rybka, Global
weak solutions to a sixth order Cahn-Hilliard type equation,
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Y. Giga, P.Górka, P.Rybka, A Comparison Principle for
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W. Merz, P.Rybka, Strong Solution to the Richards Equation in the
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P.Górka, P.Rybka, Existence and uniqueness of solutions to
singular ODE's, Arch. Math., 94, (2010), 227-233.
Y. Giga, P.Górka, P.Rybka, Nonlocal spatially
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E.Yokoyama, Y. Giga, P.Rybka, A microscopic time scale
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P.B. Mucha, P.Rybka, A new look at
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Y. Giga, P.Rybka, Facet bending in the driven
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P. Rybka, M. Luskin, Existence of Energy Minimizers for
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Y. Giga, P.Rybka, Existence of self-similar evolution of
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Y. Giga, P.Rybka, Berg's effect, Adv. Math.
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W. Merz, P.Rybka, A Free Boundary Problem Describing
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P.Rybka, Q.Tang, D.Waxman, Evolution in a changing environment:
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P.Rybka, On modified crystalline Stefan problem with
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P.Rybka, On convergence of solutions of the crystalline Stefan problem with
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P.Rybka The crystalline version of the modified Stefan problem
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P.Rybka A crystalline motion: uniqueness and geometric properties,
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P.Rybka A quasi-steady approximation to an
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P.Rybka A priori estimates for gradient of solution to system of viscoelasticity in many dimensions, Topol. Method in Nonlinear Anal. 3 (1994) 235-256.
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P.Rybka Dynamical modeling of phase transitions by means
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P.Rybka, Propagation of weak singularities on
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P.Rybka, The behaviour of weak singularities on
characteristic surfaces with multiplicity change, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci.
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Piotr B. Mucha, Piotr Rybka,
Models of sudden directional diffusion, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 67
(2015) Variational Methods for Evolving Objects, 225-244.
Piotr B. Mucha, Piotr Rybka, Almost classical solutions of
static Stefan type problems involving crystalline curvature,
in: ``Nonlocal and Abstract Parabolic Equations and their Applications",
Eds: Piotr Mucha, Marek Niezgódka and Piotr Rybka,
Banach Center Publ. 86, IMPAN, Warszawa, 2009, 223-234.
Y.Giga, P.Rybka, Faceted crystals grown from solution - a Stefan
type problem with a singular interfacial energy
GAKUTO International Series
Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Vol. 28 (2008)
Proceedings of the 4th JSAM-SIMAI seminar on Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
ed. H.Fujita, M.Nakamura, pp. 31-43
Y.Giga, P.Rybka, A Stefan type problem arising in modeling
ice crystals growing from vapor, Surikaisekikenkyusho Kokyuroku
[RIMS Proceedings], No 1428 (2005), 72-83
P.Rybka, The modified crystalline Stefan problem: evolution of broken
facets, Surikaisekikenkyusho Kokyuroku [RIMS Proceedings], No 1210 (2001)
P.Rybka, K.-H.Hoffmann, Convergence theorems for equations related
to phase transitions Zeitschrift für
Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 79 Suppl.2 (1999), S785-S786.
P.Rybka, Crystalline Stefan problem in the plane with
Gibbs-Thompson law and kinetic undercooling
für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 78 Suppl.2 (1998), S697-S698.
Edited volumes
``Variational Methods for Evolving Objects",
Eds: Luigi Ambrosio, Yoshikazu Giga, Piotr Rybka, Yoshihiro Tonegawa,
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 67,
Mathematical Society of Japan, 2015
``Nonlocal and Abstract Parabolic Equations and their Applications",
Eds: Piotr Mucha, Marek Niezgódka and Piotr Rybka,
Banach Center Publ. 86, IMPAN, Warszawa, 2009
"Hyperbolic problems", in:
``A problem book on PDE's" (in
Polish), the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the
University of Warsaw, 2010, ed. P.Strzelecki. P.Rybka co-ordinator of
the project.
Piotr Rybka,
Mathematics for chemistry students,
(in Polish) lecture notes set
for course Mathematics B,
given at the Chemistry Faculty, the University of Warsaw, 2002.