The basic data about my NCN grant HARMONIA
title: Nonlocal problems of interface evolution
team: Yoshikazu Giga, Mi-Ho Giga, Adam Kubica, Tokinaga Namba, Piotr Rybka, Katarzyna Ryszewska, Masahiro Yamamoto,
Michał Łasica
Nonlocal diffusion problems, nonlocal interface evolution, 1.--3. October 2020.
Organizers: Adam Kubica, Michał Łasica, Piotr Rybka, Katarzyna Ryszewska.
publication carried out during the project:
Adam Kubica, Katarzyna Ryszewska,
Decay of solutions to parabolic-type problem with distributed order Caputo derivative
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
465 (2018) 75--99 doi: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2018.04.067
Adam Kubica, Masahiro Yamamoto,
Initial-Boundary Value Problems For Fractional Diffusion Equations With Time-Dependent Coefficients,
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis,
21 (2018) 276--311 doi: 10.1515/fca-2018-0018
Adam Kubica, Katarzyna Ryszewska,
Fractional diffusion equation with distributed-order Caputo derivative,
J. Integral Equations Appl. 31 (2019), no. 2, 195-243.
- Piotr Rybka, Anna Zatorska-Goldstein,
A stationary heat conduction problem in low dimensional sets in ,
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 59, Article number: 40 (2020)
Yoshikazu Giga, Ryota Nakayashiki, Piotr Rybka, Ken Shirakawa,
On boundary detachment phenomena for the total variation flow with dynamic boundary conditions,
Journal of Differential Equations, 269, (2020), no 12, 10587-10629.
Katarzyna Ryszewska,
An analytic semigroup generated by a fractional differential operator,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 483 (2020) no 2, 123654,
Tokinaga Namba, Piotr Rybka,
On viscosity solutions of space-fractional diffusion equations of Caputo type,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 52, (2020), no 1, 653-681.
Katarzyna Ryszewska,
A space-fractional Stefan problem, Nonlinear Analysis 199, (2020): 112027
- Adam Kubica, Katarzyna Ryszewska and Masahiro Yamamoto,
Time-fractional differential equations. A theoretical introduction,
(2020), SpringerBriefs in Mathematics.
- Adam Kubica, Katarzyna Ryszewska,
A self-similar solution to time-fractional Stefan problem,
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Tokinaga Namba, Piotr Rybka, Vaughan Voller,
Some comments on using fractional derivative operators in modeling
non-local diffusion processes,
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 381, (2021), 113040
Michał Łasica, Piotr Rybka,
Existence of solutions to a class of variational problems with
linear growth on convex domains,
Indiana University Math. Journal, 70, (2021), 2427-2450;
- Piotr Rybka, Ahmad Sabra,
The planar Least Gradient problem in convex domains: the discontinuous case,
Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. 28, (2021), 15, preprint
- Tomasz Lewiński, Piotr Rybka, Anna Zatorska-Goldstein,
The Free Material Design problem for stationary heat equation on low dimensional structures ,
Nonlinearity 36 (2023), 4501-4521
- Tokinaga Namba, Piotr Rybka, Shoichi Sato,
Special Solutions to the Space Fractional Diffusion Problem,
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 25 (2022), 2139-2465
- Sabrina Roscani, Katarzyna Ryszewska and Lucas Venturato,
A one-phase space -- fractional Stefan problem with no liquid initial
domain , SIAM J. Math. Anal., 54,(2022), no. 5, 5489-5523.
Piotr Rybka, Glen Wheeler,
Convergence of solutions to a convective
Cahn-Hilliard type equation of the sixth order in case of small deposition rates
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 55 vol. 5, (2023),
Yoshikazu Giga, Michał Łasica, Piotr Rybka,
The heat equation with the dynamic boundary condition as asingular limit of problems degenerating at the
Asymptotic Analysis, 135
(2023), 463-508,