John M. Noble

John M. Noble Contact Information
Mathematical Statistics
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
University of Warsaw
ul. Banacha 2,
02-097 Warszawa
email: noble (at) mimuw (dot) edu (dot) pl

I was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1966, but left Scotland in 1988. I obtained my Ph.D. from University of California, Irvine in 1992, where I studied stochastic partial differential equations. I then worked as a lecturer in Cork, Ireland for three years, in Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa for two years (1996, 1997) on a postdoctoral fellowship, followed by Lisbon and then KTH, Stockholm. In 2000, I joined the mathematical statistics group at the University of Linköping, Sweden, where I started taking an interest in Bayesian networks. In 2012, I left Linköping and joined the Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of Warsaw. My research interests include stochastic partial differential equations, structure learning for graphical models, generalised diffusions and their applications.

Bayesian Networks: An Introduction
Short answers for the exercises at the end of each chapter may be found here.

Recent Publications Teaching, academic year 2024 - 2025

Winter Semester (October 2024 - January 2025)
Spring Semester (February 2025 - June 2025)

Witaj w Polsce!

(last updated: 29th August 2024)