Algebraic Geometry Seminar at the University of Warsaw
Adrian Langer, Jaroslaw Wisniewski
Thursdays, 12:00 - 14:00, room 5050, Banacha 2
Main topics for the Fall Semester 2014/2015:
- COBRG Conformal blocks and related geometry (proposed by JW);
main texts:
Conformal blocks, fusion rules and the Verlinde formula, 1994,
Manon, The Algebra of Conformal Blocks, 2009
- PLAGS Prolongations of linear Lie Algebras and G-structures on projective
manifolds (proposed by Luis Sola Conde):
1. Fu, B. and Hwang, J.M.:
Classification of non-degenerate projective varieties with non-zero
prolongation and application to target rigidity. Inv. Math., Vol 189,
2, pp 457-513
2. Kobayashi, S. and Nagano, T.: On filtered Lie algebras and
geometric structures I., J. Math. Mech. 13 (1964) 875-907
- October 1st: Alexander Kuznetsov (Moscow): On Kuchle fourfolds of K3 type,
- October 9th: program discussion
- October 16th:
- Joachim Jelisiejew: Introduction to Lie algebras, roots et al [COBRG]
- Adrian Langer: ICM review, D. Maulik and T. Mochizuki
- October 23th:
- Joachim Jelisiejew: Representation of Lie algebras [COBRG]
- Marysia Donten-Bury: conference review
- October 30th:
- Maciej Zdanowicz: Basics about moduli of pointed curves [COBRG]
- Andrzej Weber: report about conferences
- November 6th:
- Luis Sola Conde: PLAGS part I
- Maksymilian Grab: Introduction to conformal blocks [COBRG]
- November 13th:
- Luis Sola Conde: PLAGS part II
- Maksymilian Grab: Introduction to conformal blocks [COBRG]
- November 20th:
- Luis Sola Conde: PLAGS part III
- Oskar Kedzierski: Introduction to conformal blocks [COBRG]
- November 27th:
- Luis Sola Conde: PLAGS part IV
- Oskar Kedzierski: Introduction to conformal blocks [COBRG]
- December 4th:
- Andrzej Weber: Geometric decomposition associated to torus actions and characteristic classes
- December 11th:
- Luis Sola Conde: PLAGS part V
- December 18th:
- Oskar Kedzierski: Introduction to p-divisors and bunches
- January 8th:
- Oskar Kedzierski: Verlinde formula.
- January 15th: cancelled
- January 22nd:
- Maksymilian Grab: The algebra of conformal blocks
- February 26th:
- Agnieszka Bodzenta: Canonical algebra of birational morphism of smooth surfaces
- March 5th:
- Tomasz Maszczyk: Feynman Integral, Chern Character and Duality
- March 12:
- Riccardo Moschetti (Pavia): Fourier-Mukai functors and perfect complexes on dual numbers
- March 19:
- March 26:
- Matthias Franz, Interpolating between torsion-free and free modules
- Kaori Suzuki, Two indices of Q-Fano 3-folds
- April 9:
- April 16:
- April 23:
- Lukasz Golebiowski: A primer on mirror symmetry
- April 30:
- Dali Shen: Geometric structures on arrangement complements
- May 7:
- Agnieszka Bodzenta: Flops and spherical functors
- May 14:
- Adrian Langer: Positivity and foliations in positive characteristic
- May 21:
- May 28:
- Maciek Zdanowicz: On Witt vector liftability of singularities