Marek Cygan

Marek Cygan

WydziaƂ Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki
Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
ul. Banacha 2, 02-097 Warszawa

tel.:   +48 22 55 44 579

Publications at DBLP, PhD thesis, Google scholar profile

CV (updated 09.2013)

Program committees: IPEC 2012, SODA 2014, ESA 2014, IPEC 2014, FCT 2015, ICALP 2016, FOCS 2016, WAOA 2016, IJCAI 2018 (PC), AAAI 2018 (PC), IJCAI 2019 (PC), AAAI 2019 (PC), WG 2019, ECAI 2020 (SPC), STOC 2020

Organised events: WorKer 2013, School on Parameterized Algorithms and Complexity 2014

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