Marek Cygan
WydziaĆ Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki
Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
ul. Banacha 2, 02-097 Warszawa
+48 22 55 44 579
Publications at DBLP
PhD thesis
Google scholar profile
CV (updated 09.2013)
Program committees:
IPEC 2012
SODA 2014
ESA 2014,
IPEC 2014
FCT 2015
ICALP 2016
, FOCS 2016, WAOA 2016, IJCAI 2018 (PC), AAAI 2018 (PC), IJCAI 2019 (PC), AAAI 2019 (PC), WG 2019, ECAI 2020 (SPC), STOC 2020
Organised events:
WorKer 2013
School on Parameterized Algorithms and Complexity 2014
If you are looking to join
for an internship or a full-time position, apply
. We have several open positions.