Conference on Algebraic Topology CAT'09
July 6 - 11, 2009
Warszawa (Warsaw, Poland)
Old University Library
CAT'09 will be the seventh in a series of quadrennial conferences on algebraic topology organized in Poland since 1985. The aim of the conference is to bring together mathematicians working in different areas of algebraic and geometric topology. The conference will be devoted to a wide spectrum of research in the areas of homotopy theory, topology of manifolds, geometric group theory and homotopy in algebraic geometry. The program will emphasize applications and connections between various fields and is intended to promote exchanges of ideas among mathematicians working in different areas related to algebraic topology.
List of invited speakers :
- Paul Balmer
University of California LA
- Natalia Castellana Vila
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
- Mark Andrea de Cataldo
Stony Brook
- Alexander N. Dranishnikov
University of Florida
- Nitu Kitchloo
University of California, San Diego
- Pascal Lambrechts
Université Catholique de Louvain
- Anatoly Libgober
University of Illinois at Chicago
- Piotr Nowak
Texas A&M University
- Taras Panov
Moscow State University
- Jörg Schürmann
Universität Münster
- Stefan Schwede
Universität Bonn
- Andrzej Zuk
Université Paris 7
The conference will start with the Eleventh Andrzej Jankowski Memorial Lecture which will be presented by
- Mladen Bestvina
University of Utah
Organizers :
- Stanis³aw Betley
- Marcin Cha³upnik
- Stefan Jackowski
- Tadeusz KoŸniewski
- Andrzej Weber