I'm Mikołaj Rybiński - an ex-{ PhD student, contractor in a research grant } @ MIM UW. You've just encountered my still current for a while homepage. Enjoy!
If you're a student looking for some old classes stuff, go to the teaching section. Courses' pages are in polish.
If you have any interesting thoughts for me do not hesitate to mail them.
Try mail - usually I'm responsive.
11/09/13 - Both JAK1/2-STAT1 models review and hyperthermia paper got published meanwhile - check the research/articles section.
22/04/13 - Revised preprints of a mini-review of JAK1/2-STAT1 models (in press) and of a modeling paper on hyperthermia efficacy; both in the research/preprints section.
5/12/12 - I've moved to D-BSSE ETHZ for a PostDoc.